Vraiment Financial LLC

Buyer Anderson, Sadie
Product Grant Writing Consultants
Contract Number SCN-1013906
Address 421 Fayetteville St, Suite 1100
Raleigh, NC 27601
Website http://www.vraimentfinancial.com
Representative Waller, Dalaine : Vraiment Financial LLC
Email dalaine@vraimentfinancial.com
Type of Contract Competitively Bid
Term of Contract 05/01/2023-04/30/2026 with 2 one-year contract renewal options by written mutual agreement.

Contract Description

Contractor is to provide proposal development management and support to principal investigators (PI’s) for major, interdisciplinary proposals on an as-needed basis.

Contractor may work as a member of a team to serve the needs of the university client. The intent is to support the PI’s in the development of proposals to improve the award rate of major grant proposal submittals.

How to Do Business with Supplier

To do business with this supplier the following four steps must be completed:

1) The PI should speak to the grant writing consultant to discuss project details including the scope of the project, timeline, cost, etc.

Note: Using an Iowa State University Contracted Grant Writing Consultant eliminates the need to go through a competitive bid process.

2) If satisfied, and if the PI wishes to engage the consultant, the PI will need to get a detailed statement of work from the consultant that includes the following 12 items:

  • Company Name
  • Company Address
  • Company Email Address
  • Company Phone
  • Quote Number
  • Date the Quote was Created
  • Name of the Iowa State Department/Unit the quote is for
  • Name of the contact person for that Iowa State Department/Unit
  • Name of the Consultant providing the quote
  • Description/summary of the work or project
  • Timeline for the project (with estimated start and finish dates if possible)

3) Once the statement of work has been received, it will need to be submitted as an attachment to a Request for a Non-Catalog Requisition.

4) Once the Non-Catalog Requisition has been fully approved, Procurement Services will issue a PO to the consultant and work can begin.

Note: NO work should begin until the PO is issued.