Buyer | Foster, Wendy |
Product | Rental of Hand Tools and Small Equipment |
Contract Number | SCN-1011946 |
Representative | King, John : United Rentals | | |
Type of Contract | E&I Contract |
Term of Contract | 07/01/2022 - 06/30/2027 |
Contract Description
Rental of hand tools and small equipment such as air hoses, generators, scissor lifts, compressors, etc. can be completed through cyBUY. If you can’t find the specific item(s) you want to rent contact Wendy Foster to see if the item can be added to the list of available equipment.
The Requesting Department will be responsible for replacing the hand tools or small equipment if damaged, lost, vandalized, etc. Risk Management carries an Equipment Floater policy that in some instances may cover items rented through United Rentals if damaged by covered perils. The floater policy covers certain rented equipment valued up to $500,000 for rentals 6 months or less. This policy has a $2,500 deductible to be paid by the Requesting Department if damage occurs.
How to Do Business with Supplier
Price quotes may be obtained by accessing the contract catalog on cyBUY or by calling or e-mailing the sales representative or by contacting the Procurement Agent listed above.