
Buyer Schau, Lucas
Product Agricultural Supplies
Contract Number SCN-1010453
Address 145 Grande Avenue
Kirkwood, MO 63122
Representative Gross, Larry : Midco
Phone 800-264-8785
Email lgross@midcoglabal.com
Type of Contract Contractual Agreement with Pricing
Term of Contract 7/23/2020 - 1/31/2024

Contract Description

This contract is for agricultural products such as supplies for research planting, pollinating, harvest, packaging and equipment.

How to Do Business with Supplier

Contract pricing may be obtained by accessing the Midco catalog on cyBUY or by calling or e-mailing the sales representative listed above. 

Typically orders ship through UPS. Orders must be received by 2:30 PM CST for overnight shipping. Rush orders will be charged a $15 fee. For orders over 250 lbs, freight charges apply.

If you have comments or feedback about this supplier, we invite you to complete this brief survey.