
Buyer Foster, Wendy
Product Maintenance, Repair and Operating Items
Contract Number SCN-1013269
Type of Contract E&I Pricing - Cooperative Agreement
Term of Contract 7/1/2015-6/30/2025

Contract Description

The Lowe's Catalog contains contracted pricing, that is discounted from Lowe's consumer website pricing, and is tax exempt. 

How to Do Business with Supplier

Once you submit your order through the cyBUY Marketplace, you, or the individual you designate, can go to any Lowe's location you select and pick the order up. Delivery options are also available. Before making a purchase from Lowe’s , please make sure to first check with Central Stores. All orders will be reviewed prior to submission to Lowe’s to ensure they are not available for a lower cost through Central Stores. Price quotes may be obtained by accessing the contract catalog on cyBUY or by calling or e-mailing the sales representative listed above.