Buyer | Gruhn, Melissa |
Product | Lab Equipment & Supplies |
Contract Number | SCN-1011861 |
Address | 4500 Turnberry Drive Hanover Park, IL 60103 |
Website | Go to the cyBUY marketplace |
Representative | Pint, Ryan : Fisher Scientific |
Phone | 515-339-4516 | | |
Type of Contract | Contractual agreement for price discount |
Term of Contract | 11/15/2016 - 11/14/2023 |
Contract Description
ISU has established a pricing agreement for all lab equipment, supplies, and chemicals carried by Fisher. Specific prices can be viewed by accessing the Fisher contract on cyBUY in Workday.
How to Do Business with Supplier
Special Considerations
Pricing can be obtained by accessing the Fisher contract on cyBUY, calling or emailing the field sales representative, or calling the inside sales representative. Departments can order contracted products through cyBUY. The supplier can place quotes on the cyBUY system so departments can create orders from those quotes without entering all of the items individually.
Fisher can supply non-cataloged items from listed suppliers on a special order basis with free shipping.
If you have comments or feedback about this supplier, we invite you to complete this brief survey.