Buyer | Lunaburg, Liz |
Product | Car Rental |
Contract Number | SCN-1007480 |
Address | 1817 E Lincoln Way Ames, IA 50010 |
Representative | Edwards, Amber : Enterprise |
Phone | 314-928-3850 | | |
Type of Contract | Contractual Agreement for Price Discount |
Term of Contract | 10/18/2022 - 8/31/2026 |
Contract Description
Iowa State University has rental agreements with both Enterprise and National. The agreements provide discounted rates and the added value of insurance coverage. The rates and benefits apply to business travel for Iowa State University employees.
How to Do Business with Supplier
Business: Click here to start the booking process.
Non-Business: Click here for the Leisure Rental Program with Enterprise Mobility.
Insurance for International Destinations and Non-Contract Rentals
The University wants all rentals to have the following coverage:
- Liability (minimum amount offered)
- Loss or Collision Damage Waiver (CDW or LDW)
All National/Enterprise United States and Puerto Rico rentals include the coverage above when the reservation is tied to ISU’s business use contract. No additional coverages will be reimbursed. Non-Business rentals are offered insurance coverage at an additional charge. International rentals may/can include coverage but varies by country/territory. Please check the reservation carefully to determine what is included and purchase insurance as necessary. Liability and CDW/LDW may not be included on international rentals, even if ISU’s contract # is used.
Reporting Accidents
- In the event you are involved in an accident in a National or Enterprise vehicle rented under the University contract, follow these steps: Contact police and file report
- Report claim with branch you rented from (brand specific)
- Include as much information as possible (other party information, police report number, etc.)
- If branch is unavailable, contact Emergency Road Service (ERS) with the information:
i. National USA (800) 367-6767
ii. National Canada (800) 268-9711
iii. Enterprise (800) 307-6666
Branch or ERS will create an Incident Report.
3. Renter will receive a call from the Damage Recovery Unit to verify information, ask
any additional questions or gather information for additional proceedings.
4. Renter is required to provide every summons, complaint and paperwork pertaining to the
5. This process can take a few weeks to a few months depending on the information and the
extent of the accident.
6. If you require follow up with the Damage Recovery Unit (handles initial claim process and
damage to rental vehicle) please call (800) 327-0421 or via email at
7. If you require follow up with Enterprise’s Risk Department regarding liability issues, please call
(314)512-2417 with your claim information.
8. ISU Incident Reporting - ISU business renters involved in an accident should also report the accident through the ISU Incident Portal. Contact the Office of Risk Management ORM Email for incident-reporting questions or assistance.