Storage Facilities

Procurement Agent(s)
Schau, Lucas


The rental of storage space or storage facilities must be reviewed by Procurement Services. Any agreement for rentals must be signed by a designated Procurement Services representative.

Procurement Services will review the agreement provided by the rental supplier. This agreement should include a description of the space, description of the intended use of the space, contact person if emergencies occur, the term of the rental period, conditions, and who is responsible for insuring the rental space. If the supplier does not provide physical damage insurance, ISU must provide insurance. The ISU Purchasing Card should not be used for this type of purchase.


How to Buy

Create a non-catalog requisition in Workday with any accompanying information about the requested purchase to Procurement Services (i.e. order form, quote, email from supplier, etc.). If you need assistance creating a non-catalog requisition in Workday, email the information to