Rental Services

Procurement Agent(s)
Foster, Wendy


Rental of hand tools and small equipment such as jackhammers, ladders, generators, scaffolding can be rented through United Rentals through their cyBUY catalog or from other suppliers with a purchase order. The Requesting Department typically assumes the risk of replacing the hand tools or small equipment if damaged or lost. The Purchasing Card can be used for rental of small items (with a replacement cost of under $5,000). Rental of large items (with a replacement cost of over $5,000) or rentals requiring an agreement to be signed should be referred to Procurement Services.

Rental of large construction equipment such as skid-steers, forklifts, and backhoes shall be reviewed by Procurement Services. Procurement Services will determine if physical damage insurance is required by ISU. ISU currently has contracts with the following:

Portable Pro  - Mobile Toilet Service

Celebrations Party & Rental - Tent Contract

United Rentals - Hand Tools and Small Equipment

How to Buy

Is the dollar value of the purchase over your Purchasing Card limit?

Create a non-catalog requisition in Workday with any accompanying information about the requested purchase to Procurement Services (i.e. order form, quote, email from supplier, etc.). If you need assistance creating a non-catalog requisition in Workday, email the information to

Do you have an ISU Purchasing Card and will the vendor accept the card for the transaction?

Use Purchasing Card and provide receipts, business purpose and Worktag to your ISD by emailing to or add the receipts to your PCV in Workday.

Create a non-catalog requisition in Workday with any accompanying information about the requested purchase to Procurement Services (i.e. order form, quote, email from supplier, etc.). If you need assistance creating a non-catalog requisition in Workday, email the information to