Membership Fees/Registrations/Subscriptions

Procurement Agent(s)
Lunaburg, Liz


Membership fees, registration, subscriptions for professional societies, technical groups, accredited associations and other such organizations may be paid from university sources, provided public purpose is established. Memberships to country clubs or other social organizations cannot be paid from university funds. Federal funds may not be used to pay memberships in organizations that engage in lobbying.

Departments should be alert for multiple memberships in the same organization. If the primary benefit of the membership is a subscription to a technical journal, the possibility of sharing literature should be investigated.

Membership fees can be paid using your Travel & Hospitality (T&H) or Purchasing Card or by contacting your Procurement and Expense Specalist to pay the fee with their Travel & Hospitality (T&H) or Purchasing Card.

How to Buy

Do you have a Travel and Hospitality (T&H) Card or Purchasing Card (P-Card) and will  the organization accept the card for the transaction?

Use T&H Card or P-Card and add receipts or order forms to your expense report or PCV in Workday or provide receipts in your ServiceNow ticket for your ISD to process.

Submit a ServiceNow request to your ISD to use their T&H Card or P-Card to complete the transaction. If the organization does not accept credit cards, submit a ServiceNow request to your ISD and they will determine the best option to pay for the membership.