Gas Cylinders & Lab Gases

Procurement Agent(s)
Gruhn, Melissa


Chemistry Stores provides gas cylinders, gas mixes, and high purity gases to campus. Please see the Environmental Health and Safety guidelines related to gas cylinders and lab gases.

Gases are not allowed to be purchased with the ISU Purchasing Card. Gases must be tracked because of federal guidelines on the control and tracking of chemicals, controlled substances, bio-agents, etc., Departments may not order compressed gasses other than through Chemistry Stores.


How to Buy

Is the product available through Chemistry Stores?

Please access the Chemistry Stores catalog at

Submit a non-catalog requisition to Procurement Services or contact Melissa Gruhn for help and information. Create a non-catalog requisition in Workday with any accompanying information about the requested purchase to Procurement Services (i.e. order form, quote, email from supplier, etc.). If you need assistance creating a non-catalog requisition in Workday, email the information to