Procurement Agent(s) |
Campbell, Tisha |
This item can only be ordered through Procurement Services on a requisition. Purchasing Cards cannot be used for furniture purchases.
Iowa State University has a Contractual Agreement with Workspace Inc. to supply the Steelcase furniture product lines at a substantial discount. The use of this contract is mandatory for all new furniture purchases unless there is a substantial reason for utilizing another manufacturer. These reasons could include the matching of existing furniture or a furniture need that cannot be met by the contractor. This Agreement was established through a competitive bid process and allows us access to all of the Steelcase product lines at substantial discounts.
Steelcase has several pricing levels of furniture and files to meet the needs and budgets of all departments. Furniture can be designed and specified by the FPM Interior Designers (Rebecca Cantrall (294-0015), Carrie Choudhury (4-7192), Judy Dugan (294-0010), and Stephanie Hosier (4-4963)). Your department can submit a service request to FPM and one of the designers will be assigned to your request.
For answers to most furniture questions, see the Furniture FAQ, or for warranty information please contact Tisha Campbell at 4-4542.